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Robin LeBlanc

Louis Leger

Robin is a marvelous fiddler from a long line of Acadian fiddlers from Memramcook. He learned from his uncle, Ira, and his grandfather, Fériol, but also learned by traveling all over North America searching out old tunes and ancient Acadian routes. We visited with him at his farmhouse outside Bathurst, New Brunswick, where he grows most of his own food and grinds his own wheat for bread
— Liner notes from La Famille Léger cd "L'étoile du Nord"

Robin Leblanc and Jeannot Savoie play Quadrille de Montcalm and Reel de la Tuque Blue/

Toune à Ira 🎼

 Toune à Emma 🎼

Air à Bonaparte 🎼 

Here's the link to Robin LeBlanc's new CD: "SUR L'AN PREMIER pour danser". Lots of great "tounes" from the old French Acadian fiddling tradition.

Voici le lien pour le nouveau disque compact de Robin LeBlanc avec plein de vielles "tounes" dans la tradition des violoneux Acadiens d'antan.

I took the liberty of transcribing one of the "tounes" on the CD: "Sarazine" for those who like to decipher the squigglies. Once again this is just a static rendition and needs to be reference back to original audio recording.